Diesel Monkey

Diesel Monkey is the story of one, terribly self conscious, mixed up, crazy twenty something chick who hits the road in pursuit of her favorite rockstar.  You may think this story sounds strikingly similar to a trip that the author recently went on...and that's the idea...65% of this story is true.  65%, I tell you...your mission...to weed out the lies.  The names have all been changed, but not as a protective service.

11:30 - Friday - Rest Area Stop

We were going to try and drive all the way back to Chicago without stopping just for the hell of it, but I’ve discovered something interesting…my spine is killing me.  Angela is walking around the pet exercise area and I’m laying on my stomach across the hood of the car, catching some sun and stretching.

I’m positive, just by looking at him, that Alex is a great kisser.  He’s got these full, wonderful lips and a strong jaw…His bottom lip is a little crooked, a little pouty….ahhhhhhh….and those eyes, those green green eyes…I’ve mentioned them before but it warrants mentioning them again.

I know, I know…he smokes.  He smokes, he drinks…he’s a naughty boy…and when I see him, I’m sure that he’ll be all sweaty…but I still want to just grab him, pull him to me and kiss him as hard as I can.  Bad breath be damned.  I want to know what it’s like.  There are two reactions he could have:

Me:  (kissing him)  Thanks, I just wanted to know what that was like.

Alex:  (pulling me closer)  Really.  I like your methods, Emily.  Care to learn anything else about me?


Me:  (kissing him)  Thanks, I just wanted to know what that was like.

Alex:  Security!

The thing is, either way, I get my tongue in his mouth…one of my five lifetime goals.


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