Incident at the International Dateline

By Chris McCaleb


The Dateline authorities spotted Carlos Diego's boat as it appeared on the horizon, and set a course to meet him as he crossed over into Monday.


"What was the nature of your business in Sunday?" asked the Captain after they had boarded.


"A pleasure cruise," replied Carlos. He looked out at the sunset, disinterested, as the Captain questioned him.


The Captain of the Dateline vessel did not look up from his clipboard. "Our records show you were given a Day when you crossed into Sunday, and we'll need to have that returned now."


"Of course," said Carlos.  "Just let me step below and get-"


"That won't be necessary," said the Captain, and he quickly motioned to three of his men. Carlos watched as the men descended into the hold themselves. As he moved to follow, the Captain motioned for him to stay where he was. "Do you have any sort of unusual cargo to declare, Mr. Diego. Anything we should know about down there? "


"You have no right to treat me like a criminal," said Carlos.


"As you say," said the Captain, "But there have been several incidents on the continent with several Hours being smuggled through Time Zones, and even some cases where whole Days have been illegally brought over the Dateline. We will need to thoroughly check your ship."


Just as Carlos was about to open his mouth to protest, one of the Dateline officials called from below. "We've got something!"


The Captain raised his eyebrows. "What is it?" he yelled back, still watching Carlos.


"We’ve got three - no, FIVE - Days down here!" called out the official excitedly. The Captain remained motionless, keeping his eyes on Carlos. Carlos folded his arms calmly, returning his gaze.


"Looks like we've caught our smuggler," said the Captain. "Would you gentlemen step back on deck and place Mr. Diego in cuffs, please? We're impounding this vessel and its cargo."


"What did you think you were going to do?" asked one of the officials as he pushed Carlos ahead of him onto the Dateline ship. "Set up a whole private Week somewhere for yourself?"


Carlos remained silent. Shaking their heads, the Dateline officials led him below.





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